Orateurs invités et cours proposés
Télécharger le livre des résumés (cours, contributions et posters) [PDF].
I] Turbulence et évenements extrêmes
Léonie Canet - LPMMC
Space-time dependence of correlation functions in turbulence and related models
Davide Faranda - LSCE
Quantifying the Impact of Atmospheric Turbulence on Aviation Operations
II] Océan et atmosphère
Luminita Danaila - M2C
Temperature and wind statistics in the context of heat waves
Szymon P. Malinowski - University of Warsaw
Turbulence in clouds and in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: nonstationary, anisotropic and inhomogeneous. What can we do?
Louis Couston - LPENSL
How quickly does ice melt in seawater?
Camille Lique - LOPS
Ocean mixing and its role for climate
I] Turbulence diphasique
Detlef Lohse - University of Twente
Melting of ice
Romain Volk - LPENSL
How turbulent flows transport inertial and finite-size particles?
Ivana Vinkovic - LMFA
Large eddy simulation of particle transport by environmental turbulent flows
I] Métrologie de la turbulence
Christophe Brun - LEGI
Turbulence in the stable atmospheric boundary layer over alpine terrain: an application to katabatic winds on steep slopes
Benjamin Leclaire - ONERA
Measuring turbulence using particle imaging: from common practical use to advanced methods