Invited speakers and lectures titles:
Freddy Bouchet - Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon, UCBL1 & CNRS
Rare events and large deviation theory for turbulent flows
Keaton Burns - MIT, Dept. of Mathematics
Presentation of the numerical solver Dedalus
Stefan Fauve - LP, ENS Ulm, CNRS
Dynamics of large scales in turbulent flows
Bjorn Höf - Hof Group, IST Austria
The onset of turbulence in shear flows - a matter of life and death
Aurore Naso - LMFA, Ecole Centrale Lyon & CNRS
Particles in turbulence: from tracers to large objects
Juan Pedro Mellado Gonzalez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Atmospheric turbulence: Challenges for weather and climate research
Charles Meneveau - Dept. of Mechanical Engineering John Hopkins University
Turbulence fundamentals and application to LES
Fluid dynamics and turbulence in the wind turbine array boundary layer
Nicolas Mordant - LEGI
Wave turbulence, from vibrating plates to stratified turbulence. Impact of various non ideal effects.
Emile Touber - Okinawa Institute of Science and Thechnology Graduate University
Solenoidal kinetic energy shaped by entropy
Dario Vincenzi - Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné, Université Côte d'Azur & CNRS
Stretching in isotropic turbulence: polymers and elastic chains